10 March 2006

Lizard Bang

I had suggested to our dragon boat coach, Wayne, that the members of the team keep a fitness journal throughout the season. I think it’s a good way to see one’s progress and to monitor how much one is working out (or not). Another thing to include could be a diet journal as well. A couple of years ago, in an effort to improve my eating habits, I started a diet diary where I wrote down everything I ate. Everything - from the one bar of chocolate to the one bag of potato chips to the bagel for breakfast to the big meal for dinner. I am a junk food junkie and I figured if i have to write it down on paper that I was eating chips almost everyday (after my work out usually), it will make me think twice about putting it in my mouth.

It worked, to my surprise. I think what it did was make me take notice when I was eating junk and therefore, question its part in my routine.

I started the diet diary again this year (part of my 2006 challenges) but I was finding it difficult to maintain. So I decided to make it a blog since I seem to be having a bit of success keeping this blog up. Plus I am a faster typist than hand writer so I can fit in more info into the blog in the same amount of time. So a week ago, I created my Paddling and Fitness blog (http://lizardbang.blogspot.com/). Just to put pressure on myself to keep writing in it, I emailed the url to Wayne. He better read it!

More about the name Lizard Bang next time...

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