9 June 2006

20/20 vision

This morning, i had my eyes examined. The last time I had this done, I was still employed by Placer Dome. That was around six years ago. Anyway, I’ve been noticing that my vision is blurred and I’m not seeing things are sharply as I used to. So I made the appointment and wished for the best.

Turns out I still have 20/20 vision! I’m very relieved. The eye doctor said the blurry vision is due mainly to eye fatigue and dryness. So I should blink lots and rest my eyes regularly. Staring at the computer screen tires out the eyes so I have to be more diligent about taking breaks.

So glasses are still a few years away, thank goodness. I’m quite happy to be the anomaly - a computer professional with 20/20 vision.

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