26 March 2013

Spring time (mess) is here

When Sophia and I get home from daycare (I pick her up after work), her task is to take her shoes off before going upstairs.  I proceed ahead to the kitchen upstairs to get dinner organized.  Once she has finished taking her shoes off, she follows me upstairs.  Yesterday, I noticed that her socks were dirty.

Me: "It looks like you played in the sand box today". (as I pointed to her socks)
S: "I play in sand box.  And I take off my shoes downstairs, I emptied it."
Me: "You emptied your shoes?"  (uh-oh, I was thinking)
S: "Yes, downstairs." (Looking quite proud of herself.)

I go and check it out.  Sure enough, there was a little pile of sand at the bottom of the stairs.  Spring time is here!


Julie said...

That's so cute. I love watching Sophia grow up on your blog.

Yvette said...

I am reminded of the first time I visited you at your place in Richmond. I think it was Carla and I. We tracked in some dirt behind us. You said, "No problem!", pulled out the dustbuster and vacuumed our footsteps behind us!

I am already picturing Sophia and her new pet, the dust buster, following her around...

LL said...

That dustbuster-weilding version of me stopped existing the moment Sophia arrived. These days, I let the pile of sand sit there until Ed or Chris cleans it up for me! hahaha