31 October 2013

Nun of your business

I haven't dressed up for Halloween in years but I decided to partake in the fun this year.  My costume is a pregnant nun with a headband that says "nun of your business".  I don't think my mom would approve...

25 October 2013

My first pumpkin

Today, I carved a pumpkin for the first time ever.  I was in a team with two of my colleagues, Tommy and Travis.  Tommy can draw well and he drew the outline of what we were to carve out.  I scooped out the seeds, then we took turns carving the cute face of our pumpkin.  Travis provided the arms for our cute little guy.


Isn't our pumpkin cute???  I'm pretty happy with it and it was actually quite fun to do.  Looking forward to carving the pumpkins we have at home this weekend.

7 October 2013

There is a price to pay...

Hanging out at the park
Originally uploaded by Liezel&Ed
Having Fridays off gives me a long weekend to hang out with Sophia. It is marvellous and priceless. But come Monday morning, the daycare drop-off is teary and emotional. The conflicted struggle of the working mom guilt is heightened.