15 November 2005


I’m so proud of myself! Eight months after Ed and I moved into our townhouse, I have finally cleared our second bedroom of the unpacked boxes left over from moving day. Last February, we placed boxes we didn’t want to deal with yet into the second bedroom, closed the door, and promptly ignored them. Once in a while, I would rummage through the boxes looking for a specific item. When Ed asked me where something was, my answer would be “in a box”. Our second bedroom has been the storage room since move in day. But last weekend, I decided enough is enough. I rolled up my sleeves and went to work, unpacking one box at a time. The bin pile slowly got bigger. And every time I emptied another box, the better I felt. It’s amazing how cathartic cleaning can be.

Now we have our second bedroom back. It’s no longer a storage room! So I put a little desk and a little bookshelf in there (because we don’t have a bed to put in it) and I’m thinking that this room will be my craft room someday - when I actually get crafty.

For now, I am just thrilled that it’s not a storage room any more.

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