I picked up a cold/cough this past week and for the second time in two months, I am sniffling and coughing away in a big way. I am so freaking tired of being sick. It’s been a bad winter for me, definitely. I even got the flu shot but this winter, it doesn’t seem to be making much of a difference for me.
I missed a couple of weeks of work last December and have missed a few days again this past week. I’ve discovered that there is nothing good on tv during the day. We have over 200 channels but good shows are really hard to come by. So I just turned off the tv and listened to my podcasts instead. This American Life rocks.
So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I recover soon from this cold, don’t get sick again, and that I feel good again. It’s been a while since I have felt energetic and healthy. Soon, I hope.