15 January 2010

Rainy Olympics?

It’s been raining a lot and it’s been quite warm (around 8degC). The snow at Cypress mountain is being washed away. I hope we’ll get some snow and cold weather in time for the Olympics only a month away.

I’m geared up for the Games. I have a Canada hoody, toque, and red mittens to wear to the events. We have tickets for curling, bobsledding, and a victory ceremony. Should be fun...

1 comment:

Derek said...

All this angst about the weather puzzles me: since when has the weather in one week in Vancouver at all predicted what things will be like three or four weeks in the future, in any respect at all? If it were cold and snowy now, that wouldn't presage cold and snowy (or warm and rainy) weather in February any better than what we're having.