10 February 2010


There’s a woodpecker that is pecking away at our house. I have woken up to a knocking sound a few times already and finally, last weekend, I ran outside to see where it was coming from. I saw a bird on a small perch, tucked away in a corner just under the roof, heartily pecking the side of our house. It stopped when it heard my voice but didn’t fly away. I threw a pebble towards it. The pebble hit our house, close enough to the bird to scare it away. I saw that there is bird poop cascading down our house under the perch and that the wall right under the roof has been damaged. Our house was just painted last summer! Darn bird!

The complex caretaker, Theresa, came by this morning to check out the damage. She said the woodpeckers have been terrorizing a few of the units. There are many trees all over our neighbourhood. I wonder why they like our houses better. Anyway, Theresa’s on it and hopefully, she finds a way to keep the bird away. Otherwise, does anybody have a BB gun?


Derek said...

Apparently they like especially noisy surfaces to signal territory, and metal flashing and other stuff on houses (or light poles) is much noisier than old-style trees.

Believe me, I know.

Yvette said...

OMG, listen to you pebbling birds and talking about BB's! I thought you were such a pacifist and nature lover! Hahaha...

LL said...

Derek, that's funny that you have a bird knocking on your house, too! I hope your dad's solution has kept the bird away.