21 November 2010

She's rolling!

We've reached a new milestone with Sophia; she is able to roll from her back to her tummy.  And once on her tummy, she can wiggle and spin around.  It is an awesome milestone, however, it means I can't just leave her on the change table or the sofa any longer.  And it also means a more challenging time getting her diaper and clothes on her.  She is a lot more active now and she loves to sit upright or be on her feet.  I've started to put her in the Bumbo seat and she seems to enjoy that.

For a video of Sophia at eight and fifteen weeks, see http://www.flickr.com/photos/liezel/5196768997/.

A lot of development for our baby girl the last couple of weeks.  People often comment on how tiny Sophia is (she's in the 5th percentile for weight) but as Lori, a paddling-mate said, Sophia is big in other ways.


Lisa Corriveau said...

I can't believe how mobile Sophia is! Sprout's only a couple of weeks younger than she is, but I doubt he'll be rolling any time soon... He doesn't like it & barely holds his head up when we put him on his tummy. :P

I'm one of those people who are always commenting on how small Sophia is--I can't help it! It's definitely not a bad thing though, she's soooo cute, partly because of her size.

I get a lot of comments on Sprout's size too. According to the growth charts, he's at the 5-10th percentile in length for weight. Translation: long, skinny baby. I always feel a bit self-conscious, like I haven't been feeding him enough or something... :P

LL said...

I always worry about that too, that I'm not feeding her enough, because she's so tiny. Every time she cries, I get anxious that she's hungry. I'm borderline paranoid about it! This breastfeeding thing is messing up my head!

Yvette said...

Judging by the photo, I think she's in the 5th percentile for weight because she's losing all her weight in drool! OMG...she's SO cute! And she looks happy and healthy so I hope you don't worry too much!

That Bumbo looks familiar...I was tidying our storage room this weekend and noticed we have a table for the Bumbo but no Bumbo. Did we give you ours? If so, then I have a Bumbo table to give you!