14 May 2013

Wedding party reunion

This is a catch up post about a get-together Ed and I organized over a month ago. As part of our 10-year anniversary celebration, we invited our wedding party to our place for Sunday brunch. Jenny, Lizza, Yvette, Josh, Mark, and Kei were a big part of our wedding day and the preparations for it, and we wanted them to be part of this celebration, too. Jenny and Lizza live out of town and were not able to join us. Everyone else, together with their spouses and kids, were able to join us for a lovely brunch and reminisce about our wedding day ten years ago. We also chatted about how all our lives have changed since. There were nine kids running around our house that morning! Nine kids in ten years! Yes, things have changed a lot for all of us.

We have managed to stay close friends with everyone in our wedding party. We see them regularly and hang out in each other’s houses. Our kids are friends. More than being able to celebrate our anniversary with them, keeping close friendships with them make me happiest of all.

A wedding party celebrationIMG_3740IMG_2006IMG_2008IMG_2017IMG_3773

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