30 July 2014

Conference call

On Wednesday and Thursday mornings, at 8am, I have conference calls with customers.  I usually take the calls at home and so when Sophia comes downstairs for breakfast, she finds me on the phone.  She knows to stay quiet while I am on the calls.  Sometimes, she sits on my lap quietly, just listening to the conversation.

This morning, I left for work earlier than usual and took the call at work.  At about 9am, I called home to say good morning to Ed and Sophia, before they left for daycare.  As Sophia and I were chatting, she says, “Mommy, are we on a conference call right now?”.  Hahaha

Too cute.  It makes me wonder, though, is it alright for my 3-year old to have the phrase “conference call” in her vocabulary?  


LextheCook said...

Haha that is funny! http://www.buzzfeed.com/maycie/this-is-what-a-conference-call-would-look-like-in-real-life

(ps it's Alexa, no idea why it is insisting on using the LextheCook id!

LL said...

Hi Alexa!