29 January 2009

The view from a car

I visited NLNG’s office this afternoon. It is a 5 minute walk from the hotel but they insisted that we get driven there. I asked if we can walk and the answer was no. The drive took about 15 minutes due to a circuitous route (streets are one-way) and the traffic congestion. There are cars everywhere, parked at the side of the road and jampacked into the road lanes. Motorcycles make their way in between the cars stuck in traffic. Motorcyclists are required to wear helmets but I guess the rule is not clear on what type of helmet since some people were wearing bicycle helmets and construction hats. The sound of car horns fill the air. There are vendors on and at the side of the road. They sell candies, clothes hangers, fashion magazines, bread, headache medicine, and a bunch of other stuff. There are many people standing about - drivers waiting for their employers, security guards outside buildings, people with nothing else to do but sit and chat. Everywhere you look, there are cars and people.

The view from the GM’s office in NLNG.

A street vendor's array of candies

A lady selling bread

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