9 November 2012

Halloween #2 with our little monkey

We got a monkey costume as a hand-me-down from friends (I love hand-me-downs!) and so Sophia got to be a monkey for Halloween this year.  The kids at daycare got to put their costumes on after their afternoon snack, then they visited the offices in the building for some trick or treat fun.  The kids looked so cute all dressed up in their costumes.  They each took home a goody bag, as well.  As we were leaving the daycare, I was able to take one photo that wasn't too blurry while Sophia was still in costume.

It was pouring that afternoon and Sophia's monkey feet got wet when we walked to the car from her daycare.  Once we got home, she took off the monkey suit so that I can dry the feet.  Then I announced that it was time to put the costume back on so we can go trick or treating around our complex.  No.  That was Sophia's response.  Don't you want to go trick or treat? No.  Don't you want more candy? No.  So that was that.  It was raining hard so I got over my disappointment pretty quickly.

I found other ways for her to do some Halloween activities. I got her to help with lighting the pumpkin (she handed the candle to me, then I lit it) and we went outside to place it outside our door.  We also put up a "Happy Halloween" sign on our door.  She quite enjoyed this part.  What she didn't enjoy too much was coming with me to answer the door when people knocked.  She found the costumes and masks scary.  Oh well.  Hopefully, next year, we will actually make it out the door to go trick or treating.

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