20 April 2009

A newborn baby

In the evening of April 12, one of my closest friends, Yvette, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Avery. Since Brian, her husband, had to look after Avery’s big bro Joshua, I volunteered to sleep at the hospital on the Monday night and stay with Yvette. The “problem” was I have never carried a newborn baby. I usually wait until the baby is 3 or 4 months old and can hold up their head. But for me to be any help to Yvette that night, I had to carry the baby. I was awkward and nervous but I’m glad to report that I didn’t drop or hurt the baby in any way. Whew!

Congratulations to Yvette, Bri, and Joshie! And thanks for letting me be part of her arrival into this world.


Derek said...

These days, many of us don't see or hold a true newborn until we have our own. Glad you had the chance.

lizza said...

Nice job liezel! I can totally totally relate! Looking back, wasn't it cool to be a part of the first few days of this baby being born in this world? I hope you gave it your good vibes!